NUFS Annual Fashion Show

The Newcastle University Fashion Society put on their first ever fashion show at the university on Saturday 4th May, and it was an event not to be missed.
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Image may contain: Vase, Pottery, Potted Plant, Plant, Jar, Flora, Bench, Person, People, Human

Feeling like VIP’s, all guests were greeted by the lovely members of the society, glasses of prosecco (numerous re-fills) and sushi. A photographer was also there to take pictures of everyone, which really made the evening feel super-glam. Numerous stalls were also set up, all were local brands and much of the material used for the clothing was sourced locally. At bargain prices it was the perfect opportunity for a bit of shopping. Sustainable fashion was a key talking point at the show and you could buy items which had been fabulously recycled from waste products, such as plastic bottles, from the brand Uncaptive. Bamboo toothbrushes and handmade jewellery were also items not to be missed.
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Image may contain: Market, Person, People, Human

Onto the catwalk. The models looked absolutely stunning. They nailed everything, from the walk to the poses. The fashion show was labelled #BREAKTHESTIGMA, and they certainly did this. The president of the fashion society, Khaleel Shazada said people often came to him saying they weren’t into fashion, or they are too masculine to think about it, yet fashion actually isn’t about that at all – it’s self expression, confidence and creativity. The society certainly expressed this on every single one of the walks, leaving each member of the audience undoubtedly more into fashion than when they arrived!
Image may contain: Hair, Afro Hairstyle, Person, People, Human

Image may contain: Barefoot, Person, People, Human

The walks showcased eight collections: the fashion society’s own denim collection (showcasing much more versatile ways to wear denim, rather than the standard jeans and jacket), Fash1 (a sexy women’s bodycon dress company), The Zero Waste Collection, Laurel’s collection (a girl studying at Northumbria University whose designs looked absolutely flawless, showing that students are completely capable of mature fashion design), Trendlistr (a vintage store located just off Northumberland Street) and The Yesterday Society (a vintage clothing based in Grainger Market). A favourite of mine was the International collection which showcased traditional dress from cultures from around the world, and finally the show was rounded up by the AWR collection. This collection is labelled ‘confidence is a colour, wear red’ and the walk was absolutely fantastic, it was more of a show than a walk and the audience couldn’t keep their eyes off the models, the red looked amazing.
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Image may contain: Tuxedo, Performer, Musical, Music, Leisure Activities, Suit, Overcoat, Coat, Clothing, Make Out, Person, People, Human

The show really did work to #BREAKDOWNTHESTIGMA as all walks demonstrated diversity in fashion and showcased versatility as a key concept in the fashion industry.
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The time and effort that had gone into this fashion show was made evident from start to finish and the number of people involved was unbelievable: the models, the society, the backstage crew and many others. We spoke to the founder of the society Annie Chavez, who was extremely emotional when stating that when she came to Newcastle she wanted to create something that was inspiring, and she certainly did that with this fashion show. The audience definitely left having more of a grasp on the versatility of fashion and the role fashion plays as a form of creative expression.
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The show was a night to remember, and we hope there will be many more fashion shows to come, everything was spot on and there isn’t one small detail they didn’t think about.
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!
A post updating you with where I have been the past couple of months will be up tomorrow! Katy x

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